As I’ve made my way through District 6 neighborhoods, the top two questions are always “What qualifies you for the job?” and “Why did you decide to run?”
I grew up in Grand Bay, graduated from Faith Academy, and received a degree in Finance from South Alabama. I spent a decade in banking as a Portfolio Manager and now serve as the Executive Director for The Grounds; therefore, I have a lot of experience tearing income statements, budgets, and other financial instruments apart to ensure we are getting the best value for our tax dollars. I've always looked for ways to serve my community, and as my wife and I raise our three boys in District 6, I keep thinking about the future. I want to ensure that Mobile is a place where my kids will want to live, work, and raise their families.
Good Government
Fix Hillcrest Road traffic
Grow business by streamlining regulations
Establish an office in District 6
Great Communities
Support continued Public Safety Efforts
Provide Responsive Service
Champion the continued growth of USA and USA Health Systems
Excellent Future
Grow Mobile Pro Annexation Vote
Encourage expansion of Quality of Life
FULL Transparency

Growing up, my dad taught me that finding ways to serve was the greatest blessing, and as I look forward to the opportunity to serve District 6 on the City Council, what is most important to me is listening, learning, and leading. I have already had a chance to meet so many of you, hear your stories, and learn why you love living in Mobile, and my goal is to meet all 31,151 residents in our district.
I’m seeking to represent all of District 6 - not just one neighborhood, not just one cul-de-sac, and not just one group of people. There is a reason my signs were previously in yards next to Stimpson signs…next to Finley signs…next to Richardson signs. We want people to be represented. We want a true voice, and we want consensus makers to lead our city to make it better every day. I’m asking for all of District 6’s vote and I’m going to represent all of District 6.
District 6’s most important issue….
As more and more people choose to raise their families in District 6, transportation is, has been, and will be the biggest issue we have to solve for the future. Vehicles using neighborhoods as cut-throughs are dangerous, but in order to fix this issue, we have to attack the root causes. Causes such as the backups on Hillcrest, Cottage Hill, Grelot, etc.
But great communities must be built on safety, and the solutions must be comprehensive. Addressing the root cause is the place to start, but we should also be willing to deploy other solutions when the problem is more immediate. For example, if the people of District 6 are worried that closing streets will negatively affect an area, then we close it temporarily, we evaluate, and we make a more informed decision. In addition to continued investment in the amenities that make District 6 special, CIP funding must be directed to fix Hillcrest traffic and improve access to our neighborhoods.
Other than traffic, Crime is a major issue that affects our entire city. Having safe neighborhoods is the key to building great communities, and that works best when the communities work with police and police work with communities. We will work to support each other because it takes the whole team to ensure safety. Public safety is a team sport. I will continue to support the city's first responders at every level. We will ensure they have the tools they need, are paid a competitive wage, and work with neighborhoods to ensure safety.
While driving home from walking neighborhoods, talking to residents, or meeting with neighbors at Dinners with District 6, I always run through all the conversations in my head. Did someone bring up an issue that I was not readily aware…did a group of people all share the same concern… And within almost every neighborhood, I’m almost always asked the TOP “support” question – annexation...
Do you support annexation?
I do support annexation, as I believe in ensuring an excellent future for District 6 and Mobile, the city must continue to grow. But I also believe that the right to vote is a fundamental American value, and I would do anything possible to give people the right to vote on joining the city of Mobile.
If you ever have any questions, would like to discuss any solutions, if you think there are additional equally relevant issues, or if you would just like to talk about our campaign, feel free to send me a message here or at